Happy Birthday Mick!

Pete Townshend  as the Statue of Liberty 1983

A long time ago, in a galaxy far from here, Mick Jagger celebrated his 40th birthday, and Pete Townshend wrote an OpEd in the Times to celebrate this monumental event.

Unbeknownst to Pete, Jaan Wenner had purchased the piece for Rolling Stone and we were dispatched to take a suitable photo. 

Pete has always done anything we asked and it was decided that he should become the birthday card, and as the photo was for America the idea of imitating the Statue of Liberty came up.

We gave him a candle to hold in one hand, and a copy of Robert Greenwood's book, "Up and Down with the Rolling Stones" was placed in his other hand. To complete the card, Starr wrote the message "Happy Birthday Mick" on Pete's chest with lipstick.

By this time the light was going down quickly so we used fill in flash and took the photo in the garden of his house in the country.

The result is a happy, and fun filled photo. Perfect for a birthday card from one mega Rock Star to another.